Art ze Sumavske doliny
FCI国际血统证编号: Titled:SchH1, IPO3
Show:vyborny (excellent)
Breed Survey:1st class 5JY1/P
Elbows,hips:0/0, DNA已登记注册
Art ze Sumavske doliny 站姿
Art ze Sumavske doliny 蹲坐
Art ze Sumavske doliny 俯卧
Art ze Sumavske doliny 血统证
Art ze Sumavske doliny 血统证
ART is the typical son of his father PIKO Bret Bett. ART is elegant, huge, self confident male that is always sure of himself in any type of situation and has a clear head. ART belongs to the 2nd sire's line and to a world renown branch via one of the hardest dogs CORDON An-Sat. From his dam's line he carries the blood of 5th bloodline namely the branch of INGO v. Rudingen, VIKTOR Edelquele, DIN z PS and ZAR z PS. His genetical equipment is a guarantee that he will produce mainly dogs suitable for Law Enforcement. They will be dogs with huge bones, strong head, incorruptible, hard with great nose and real protection. He is a real super Stud, Most of his offspring to serve in the US military clients.
2011年8月【捷克布热兹尼采杯冠军赛】第二名 IPO3成绩:追踪96 服从90 防卫93
它的幼犬多少钱 |
管理员回复: |
您好,他的幼犬价格区间5000-5500美元之间(报价有效期1个月),具体价格烦请在购买前致电详询。感谢关注吉诺普中国 |
借配多少钱? |
管理员回复: |
010-5249 4128 |
卖多少价格? |
这只多少钱 |
赞格 |